

Circulation Policy

Check Out Period & Quantity
All items are checked out for 21 days except for DVDs and Video Games, which are for 7 days. You can request a receipt when you check out that shows your due date.

Unless there is a hold on the item all items renew automatically for an additional period as above. (Books & other items 21 days, DVDs & games another 7 days.)

You can renew books for an additional 21 days on the Pathfinder system or by calling the library at 785-524-4034.

Holds may be placed on items in person, by phone or on the Pathfinder Central web site.

New Patrons:  For the first 3 months new patrons are limited to only having 3 items checked out at a time.  Only one of these items may be a DVD or a Video Game.

Juvenile Card:  Juveniles are only allowed to check out 2 items at a time. Only one of those items may be a DVD or game.

Other Patrons:  All other patrons are limited to having 30 items checked out at a time.  Only five of these may be DVDs and only one Video Game.

Returning Items
All items must be returned to the library on or before the due date, or renewed.  Items can be returned to the circulation desk or put in the outside drop box.

Patrons who have long overdue items  will have their library privileges suspended (they will not be allowed to check out items or use the computer).

Lost, stolen or damaged items are the responsibility of the borrower or the parent/guardian of the borrower.  The borrower will be charged the purchase price plus a processing fee for the lost or damaged items.  Any item more than 8 weeks overdue is considered lost and must be paid for.

Patrons are responsible for all items borrowed with their card, even if they loaned the card to someone else.